The objective of PERIPHÈRIA is to deploy convergent Future Internet (FI) platforms and services for the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in and across emergent networks of “smart” peripheral cities in Europe, dynamic realities with a specific vocation for green creativity. Its Open Service Convergence Platform, an “Internet by and for the People”, extends and enhances the Save Energy project’s Social Information Architecture, integrating key new components – sensor networks, real time 3D and mobile location-based services – with the FI paradigms of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS) and Internet of People (IoP).
Five archetypical “Arenas” - Pilots:
Malmö, SE (“Smart Neighbourhood”) - where media-based social interaction occurs
Bremen, DE (“Smart Street”) - where new transportation behaviours develop
Athens, GR (“Smart Square”) - where civic decisions are taken
Genoa, IT (“Smart Museum and Park”) - where natural and cultural heritage feed learning
Palmela, PT (“Smart City Hall”) - where mobile e-government services are delivered
VPS’s (former ISA Energy) role in the project was associated with the deployment of smart sub-metering solutions, wireless sensor networks, remote data management, back-office and web services at the level of the Smart City pilots.